





美國國際專業管理組織機構International Profession Management Organization of U.S.A. 於1999年4月22日經過美國加州政府NO.2137168註冊立案,美國加州CAPPS教育聯盟3378批准成立培訓機構,美國聯邦政府95-4741179批准為美國國際專業管理組織機構。機構任務為協助政府機構,負責國際專業證照教育培訓,授證IPMO國際專業資格證書,取得美國、中國創業及工作應聘專業資格證書。



3. 聯合美國加州州立大學及美國西南德保羅大學,辦理長、短期國際性專業人士進修教育及專業培訓,輔導取得專業資格證書及美國榮譽博士證書。



5.聯絡地址:630 W Santa Anita St, San Gabriel, CA91776 U.S.A.
6.華人專線:(909) 551-0056    聯絡傳真:(909) 551-0023
  Email: info@iplicense.org   Website: www.iplicense.org



International Profession Management Organization of U.S.A.

A. Purpose& Synopsis :

a. Purpose

International Profession Management Organization of U.S.A. has associated with California State University and Southwestern DePaul University to promote further education and professional training for professional personnel, obtain international professional certificates, and gain the opportunity to work internationally. The agency also recommends outstanding entrepreneurs and highly respected celebrities and experts to apply for the World's Outstanding Chinese Jebelin Celebrity Award, which recognizes their contributions to the country, society, and people. We aim to efficiently provide professional certificate holders with the opportunity to create and develop international business and to enhance employment opportunities for professional certificate holders.

b. Synopsis

International Profession Management Organization of U.S.A. was registered on April 22, 1999, through the State of California NO.213168, and approved by the California CAPPS Education Alliance 3378 to establish a training organization and 95-471179 approved by the U.S. Federal Government as an international professional management organization. The mission of the organization is to assist government agencies, responsible for international professional certificate education and training, to certify IPMO International Profession Certificate, and to obtain professional qualifications for business start-ups and job applications in the United States and China.


B .The missions of International Profession Management Organization are as follows:

1.   Organize interactive education culture activities.
2.   Organize international conferences. 
3.Collaborate with California State University and American Southwestern DePaul University to organize long and short term further education for people already in work force and also to obtain professional certificate and honorable doctoral degree.
4.Recommended recognition of professionals, good entrepreneurs, highly respected experts in eminent celebrities, experts made the World Outstanding Chinese Jebelin Celebrity Award, for their contribution to the nation, society, and people.
5.Approval of Professional Certificates and developments associated with such  professions.
6.Counseling people to obtain professional certificate; also with lawyer’s help to work in United States then get residency or investment immigration.


C. Qualifications for applying the Certification are as follows:

1.Anyone obtained profession such as Lecturer, Assistant Professor, or Professor can have their certificate approved by the court of justice.
2.Anyone obtained related Professional Certificate can be approved by the court of justice.
3.Anyone qualified through Professional Examination.
4.Applicant should provide all documents required by the Organization Committee in order to qualify for review and certification.
5.Address:630 W Santa Anita St, San Gabriel, CA91776 U.S.A.
6.Telephone:(909) 551-0056 Fax:(909) 551-0023
  Email: info@iplicense.org  Website: www. iplicense.org

社團法人中華國際專業證照發展協會 國際證照 社團法人中華國際專業證照發展協會